Our top tips for choosing the right Airbnb furniture


Generating extra income through renting your investment property, or even just a room in your house through a platform such as Airbnb, can give your savings a nice (and much needed) boost. Not only that, it’s fun! Hosting your space through Airbnb allows you to interact with people from all walks of life. Whether they are from a different part of Australia, or from somewhere much further away; meeting people and experiencing different cultures is what helps us to grow as humans! The key to meeting these people? Having an accommodation offer that draws them in! At Daydream Leisure Furniture, we live and breathe all things comfort, entertaining, and excellent quality, so we thought we would put together a helpful guide to choosing the right furniture for your Airbnb. 

Every space needs furniture, however, it’s important to choose the RIGHT pieces for the room, ensuring they both suit the style and style you want to create, and that the pieces are functional for your guests. Successful Airbnbs often have the perfect balance between “insta-worthy style” and functionality for their guests. While people are booking in for a weekend away or a holiday, they are choosing Airbnb for the luxury of home comforts, which hotels often fall short of providing. 

So, here’s our tips for choosing the right Airbnb furniture for your holiday rental success and “superhost” status…

#1: Think of functionality first

Airbnb options are usually small, be it a bedroom, a studio apartment, a cabin etc., so you want to keep things simple when it comes to ‘stuff’ in the space; remember, you’re going to be cleaning the entire apartment all the time, so don’t make it harder than it needs to be. Every piece of furniture should have a function, and should be dictated by what your clientele need. Do you have business guests? A desk may be important. Do you want to host large groups for entertaining? Be sure to invest in a large dining table and plenty of seating options. Marketing your space as a romantic cabin? Include a fireplace or big two-person bath. And we can’t stress this enough, make sure everything is simple and easy to use/operate, nothing ruins a weekend like a fold out couch that doesn’t do as promised. 

One of the areas people sometimes overlook when furnishing their Airbnb is the outdoor area, and it is the space that can make the biggest impact on your guests’ stay. Everyone loves the ability to entertain outdoors, especially here in sunny Queensland. So be sure to include appropriate (and stylish) furniture that fit the needs of your guests. If there’s just 2-3 people, a coffee table like this one will do, but if you need to host the masses, the Nardi ‘Rio’ Extending Table fits 10 people comfortably, and looks REALLY good doing it. 

#2: Furniture form and how it fits your space.

This is where the style and look of your space comes into play. Do you have a certain aesthetic you want to achieve? Remember, we are all visual creatures, and people will be booking your place based primarily on your photos alone. If you don’t have a strong theme, keep things simple, and you can always add some little touches throughout the decor. Simplicity is key to Airbnb – hey, it even rhymes! 

To summarise, here are three things to consider when buying your Airbnb furniture. 

  1. Buy quality over quantity. Spend a little extra buying solid and good quality furniture and can trust will stand the test of time. No glass top tables; you don’t want things getting broken or worse, someone hurting themselves. 
  2. Opt for stylish pieces where possible. We don’t want to harp on about the “style” of your accommodations, but it really is the key to getting bookings and charging a premium price. 
  3. Consider the upkeep for every piece of furniture you buy. You’ll be cleaning between every guest, and the more efficient the process is, the less stressed you will be. 

If your space was a person, how would you describe it? Is it young and fun, artsy and vintage, or beachy and calm? Try to give your listing a personality as it will help direct the overall purchases and feel for your audience. According to Airbnb, the majority of bookings are made by women, so target your style and imagery at the moms, wives, and girlfriends who will book. 

🌟 Extra Tip 🌟

  • If you’re looking for inspiration, check out the top-rated hosts in your area. Don’t waste too much time trying to reinvent the wheel or create the most unique space possible – you can always refine your space as you get feedback and bookings.

At Daydream Leisure Furniture, we offer much more than just outdoor furniture. We have dining, cafe, bar and lounge settings that will work both indoors and outdoors (or both!). Our high quality range is guaranteed to stand the test of time and is durable enough for any rental accommodation. Talk to our team today to discuss your needs and explore our wide range of colours and styles.